Non classé - posted on 13 janvier 2018 by

Concert à la Scène Michelet de Nantes

Raspy Junker Setlist Scène Michelet, Nantes, France 2018, Violence Tour

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Divers - posted on 2 janvier 2018 by

Raspy Junker sur la compil French Metal !

Bonne année à tous !
2018 sera l’occasion de venir nous voir en concert pour la suite de la tournée « Violence Tour » avec dès Janvier 3 dates dans l’ouest de la France.

En attendant vous pouvez vous procurer dès maintenant, sur notre shop, un exemplaire de la compilation French Metal de Décembre : La Soif du Savoir
40 groupes (dont Raspy Junker), 2 CD de metal 100% Français et tout ça pour 5€ seulement !

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Annonce Concerts - posted on 1 janvier 2018 by

Un gros mois de Janvier

L’année commence et déjà le mois de Janvier s’annonce chargé.
EMERGENZA FESTIVAL nous fait l’honneur de nous inviter pour 2 dates. Nous ne participons pas au tremplin mais nous seront bien présent pour clôturer la soirée sur ces 2 dates.

3 concerts au programme donc dans l’Ouest de la France.

13 janvier : Nantes (Scène Michelet)
Concert Raspy Junker à Nantes

19 janvier : Caen (El Camino)
Concert Raspy Junker à Caen

20 janvier : Rouen (Bifröst Club)
Concert Raspy Junker / Snake Pit tribute Metallica / Scariff

Choisissez votre date !

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Lyrics - posted on 22 novembre 2017 by

Wait For My Dance

Expect some fight or don’t even play
Life is short so behave like a knight
Be sure my dance will come on your way
It may all start tonight

You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day

Unable not to stare at my eyes
Let yourself go cause I’ll free your mind
I’m devil I am your beak
Get on the stage, now you’re mine

You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day

All you can do is… Wait for my dance
No way out you just… Wait for my dance, Wait for my dance, Wait for my dance

What have you done what man have you been
Good, bad or fool will make the difference
No paradise has ever been seen
No one for your defence

You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day

You’ve shared your lawn with needy people
Or kept your money for larger coffin
Have you been here for the ones that needed
No pity for your sins

You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day with me
You will dance, you will dance, you will dance one day

Now you dance, now you dance,  now you dance for me baby
Now you dance, now you dance,  now you dance for me
Now you dance, now you dance,  now you dance for me baby
Now you dance, now you dance,  and you will stay with me
Stay with me !

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Lyrics - posted on 22 novembre 2017 by

Say My Name

I crawl under
I’m looking for you
Known for plunder
I buried the clue
When you know the whisper is coming
You will seek for me
Hear the voice that won’t let you live
It’s me you’re hearing

Won’t you say my name
They call me

Fulfil your dreams
You’re just a needle away
Easy it seems
Harder to get away
This is your grave you’re digging
Deeper every day
So close from falling
Life slips away

Won’t you say my name
They call me

Don’t say my name when the heat comes
Wherever you are I’m here
Fill your blood with my sugar
Surrender, it’s me you need

Forget the fire that sleeps in you
Live for your desires
Or they’ll consume you
When the whisper is back in your ear
You will seek for me
Hear the voice that won’t let you live
Still me you’re hearing

Won’t you say my name
They call me

Don’t say my name when the heat comes
Wherever you are I’m here
Fill your blood with my sugar
Surrender, it’s me you need

Don’t say my name when the heat comes
Wherever you are I’m here
Fill your blood with my sugar
Surrender, it’s me you need

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